
Marco van Duyvendijk
9789081338554 / 9081338552


Marco van Duyvendijk
9789081338554 / 9081338552
Publisher Self-published 2014
Edition Booklet (Staple bound) , 32 pages
Genres Documentary photography , Portrait photography
Tags Butoh, Dance, Japan, Kyoto
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Publisher's description

Riko is a book about a Japanese Butoh dancer Marco van Duyvendijk met in the spring of 2014 in Kyoto, Japan. Butoh is an experimental, somewhat macabre avant-garde dance form that emerged in Japan after World War II. It combines dance, theatre, and improvisation and is influenced by Japanese traditional performing arts and German Expressionist dance. In Riko’s hands, the dance becomes still and introspective.


Book title Riko
Photographer Marco van Duyvendijk
ISBN 10 9081338552 / 90-813385-5-2
ISBN 13 9789081338554 / 978-90-813385-5-4
Publisher Self-published
Publish year 2014
Genre Documentary photography Portrait photography
Book format Booklet (Staple bound)
Number of copies 500 copies
Language English
Pages 32 pages
Number of photographs 22 color illustrations
Color or b/w photographs col
Weight 150 g

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