Motsure Hotsure Tsumugu

Marco van Duyvendijk
9789081338578 / 9081338579
Motsure Hotsure Tsumugu

Motsure Hotsure Tsumugu

Marco van Duyvendijk
9789081338578 / 9081338579
Publisher Self-published 2015
Edition Paperback , 80 pages + 2 mini books with 12 pages
Genres Documentary photography , Portrait photography , Landscape photography
Tags Amami, Japan, Kimono, Tradition
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Publisher's description

Motsure Hotsure Tsumugu tells the story of the kimonos of the Japanese island Amami. It is a poetic photo series about the beauty of kimonos and how they are traditionally produced. Combined with a series of intimate portraits and images of nature, the book has a gentle rhythm in which it shows a quiet and slowly vanishing world full of craft and dedication.


Book title Motsure Hotsure Tsumugu
Photographer Marco van Duyvendijk
ISBN 10 9081338579 / 90-813385-7-9
ISBN 13 9789081338578 / 978-90-813385-7-8
Publisher Self-published
Publish year 2015
Genre Documentary photography Portrait photography Landscape photography
Book format Paperback
Book format details with embossed cover
Printing technique Offset printing
Number of copies 700 copies
Language English
Pages 80 pages + 2 mini books with 12 pages
Color or b/w photographs col
Dimensions 20 x 25 cm + 2 mini books measuring 14 x 18cm
Weight 450 g
Book designer Marco van Duyvendijk, Jochem Coenen

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