At the End of the Dream (Cover A)

Olof Grind
At the End of the Dream (Cover A)

Publisher's description

The book “at the end of the dream” is created over a time span of 12 years, from the authors 18th birthday until the end of his 20s. It documents the process of entering adulthood and the feelings of freedom that comes with this. To live through your twenties is in a way to enter an invincible state of endless possibilities where the world is in front of your feet. The series document youth, and the gravitation and longing towards sources of a higher connection to our human conditions and the core of our planet; nature. Always with a queer view of the surroundings.

The title is a reference to the feeling of turning a chapter in life, when the first decade of adulthood has passed and a new sense of calmness is planted. At the same time, it’s a hint at the global state of crisis that humanity has entered through our recklessness with our natural resources. The book can in this way become a double depiction of a decade; both at an individual level and at a greater framework where humanity took no real action for the consequences of our behavior. Both paths are at the verge of a metamorphose to enter into a new state.

Beyond the strong visual storytelling of the imagery, Grind have also invited the author Madeleine Schantz to interpret his work in a short story that opens the book.


Book title At the End of the Dream (Cover A)
Photographer Olof Grind
ISBN 13 9789151980935 /
Publisher Self-published
Publish year 2021
Genre Cult photography Street photography Erotic & Nude photography Portrait photography Landscape photography
Book format Hardcover
Language English, Swedish
Pages 224 pages
Dimensions 20 x 27 cm
Weight 1200 g

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