The Spirit and the Flesh

Debbie Fleming Caffery
9781934435144 / 1934435147
The Spirit and the Flesh

The Spirit and the Flesh

Debbie Fleming Caffery
9781934435144 / 1934435147
Publisher Radius Books
Edition Hardcover , 96 Pages
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Publisher's description

Beginning in the mid-1990s, Louisiana-born photographer Debbie Fleming Caffery lived and worked on the grounds of the Catholic church in a small village in northeastern Mexico using a tortilla shack as her studio. In addition to the religious life of the town, she turned her lens on the nearby cantina that occasionally served as a brothel. The Spirit and the Flesh explores the themes of grace, redemption, sin and forgiveness that Caffery encountered in this community–of which she has said, “I felt incredibly comfortable in a culture rich in celebrations of religious feasts, with strong, independent, highly emotional people, much like the people I grew up with in southwest Louisiana. The brothel brought new elements into my work: secrets, sensual needs, desire and, often, unexpected love.” Debbie Fleming Caffery has been making photographs of the people and culture of her native Louisiana for more than 30 years; this is her fourth book.


Book title The Spirit and the Flesh
Photographer Debbie Fleming Caffery
ISBN 10 1934435147 / 1-934435-14-7       
ISBN 13 9781934435144 / 978-1-934435-14-4
Publisher Radius Books
Publish date Aug 2009
Book format Hardcover
Pages 96 Pages
Dimensions 28,5 x 31 cm / 11.25 x 12.25 inches

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