Águas de Ouro

Sandra Cattaneo Adorno
9781942185710 / 1942185715
Águas de Ouro

Publisher's description

In her latest monograph, Sandra Cattaneo Adorno explores the unique character of Rio de Janeiro through images that combine moments of street photography with abstract, lyrical compositions. Adorno’s photographs emphasize the human body which, isolated and transformed by the strong golden light, contrasts against the natural beauty of Rio’s beaches and acquires a symbolic dimension. As a result, Adorno’s beguiling images not only capture people and moments with visual maturity and acuity, but also evoke something quintessential about the city, something a little darker: the bittersweet yearning that Brazilians call saudade, which hints at other levels of reality, the invisible ones of poetry and magic.


Book title Águas de Ouro
Photographer Sandra Cattaneo Adorno
ISBN 10 1942185715 /
ISBN 13 9781942185710 /
Publisher Radius Books
Publish year 2020
Genre Street photography Landscape photography Portrait photography
Book format Hardcover
Language English
Pages 160 pages
Number of photographs 80 photographs
Dimensions 24 x 32 cm / 10.5 x 12.75 inches
Weight 1,2 kg

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