Violet Isle (Second edition)

Alex Webb , Rebecca Norris Webb
9781942185376 / 1942185375
Violet Isle (Second edition)

Violet Isle (Second edition)

Alex Webb , Rebecca Norris Webb
9781942185376 / 1942185375
Publisher Radius Books 2018
Edition Paperback , 144 pages
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Publisher’s Description
The long awaited second edition of the sold out 2009 original, this multi-layered portrait of “the violet isle”—a little-known name for Cuba inspired by the rich color of the soil there—presents an engaging, at times unsettling document of a vibrant and vulnerable land. It combines two separate photographic visions: Alex Webb’s exploration of street life, with his attuned and complex attention to detail, and Rebecca Norris Webb’s fascination with the unique, quixotic collections of animals she discovered there, from tiny zoos and pigeon societies to hand-painted natural history displays and quirky personal menageries. The result is an insightful and intriguing blend of two different aesthetics inspired by Cuba’s existence over the last fifty years in an economic, political, cultural and ecological bubble virtually untouched by the rest of the world, and unlikely to remain that way for much longer.
Publisher: Raduis
Size: 10 x 11.25″
144 pages, 70 colour illustrations
Essay by Pico Iyer


Book title Violet Isle (Second edition)
Photographer Alex Webb Rebecca Norris Webb
ISBN 10 1942185375 / 1-942185-37-5       
ISBN 13 9781942185376 / 978-1-942185-37-6
Publisher Radius Books
Publish date Feb 2018
Publish year 2018
Book format Paperback
Language English
Pages 144 pages
Dimensions 25 x 29 cm / 10 x 11.25 inches
Weight 1,0 kg

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