The brightest light runs too fast

Ren Hang
9791091406062 / -
The brightest light runs too fast

The brightest light runs too fast

Ren Hang
9791091406062 / -
Publisher Editions Bessard 2014
Edition Hardcover , approx. 80 pages & 4 gatefolds
Genres Cult photography , Erotic & Nude photography , Portrait photography
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Publisher's description

The Brightest Light Runs Too Fast is the new book by Chinese artist Ren Hang published by Editions Bessard. Not unlike many of Bessard Editions’ previous publications, Hang’s book is a unique and collectible object produced in a small print run and sold out quickly.

The most original quality of this publication is its thermal cover image that will only appear with the application of heat. A trifold interior contains a signed c-print and die-cut circle reveals the edition number of 500 copies. Ren Hang has been called “the Chinese Ryan McGinley”. His work in The Brightest Light Runs Too Fast utilizes the human body, playing on our ideas of eroticism and calling them into question by placing the body in awkward positions, capturing exaggerated movements and carefully arranged gestures. The human body becomes objectified like an element in a still life; the interactions of the subjects with each other and with the camera become about absurdity, abstraction and novelty creating new shapes, forms and configurations with the human body.


Book title The brightest light runs too fast
Photographer Ren Hang
ISBN 10 - / -
ISBN 13 9791091406062 /
Publisher Editions Bessard
Publish year 2014
Genre Cult photography Erotic & Nude photography Portrait photography
Book format Hardcover
Book format details with thermic cover which only appears when the temperature is more than 27 degrees Celsius
Number of copies 500 numbered copies + signed C-Print
Language English, Chinese
Pages approx. 80 pages & 4 gatefolds
Color or b/w photographs col
Dimensions 17 x 22 cm
Weight 400 g

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