
Walter Niedermayr
9783775727389 / 3775727388


Walter Niedermayr
9783775727389 / 3775727388
Publisher Hatje Cantz 2010
Edition Hardcover , 170 pages
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Publisher's description

Walter Niedermayr (born 1952) is among Europe’s finest contemporary photographers, a virtuoso in the portrayal of contemporary architecture and Alpine landscapes whose subtle handling of scale, diffuse light effects and desaturated color has been much imitated in recent years. Between 2005 and 2008, Niedermayr traveled in Iran, visiting Tehran, Isfahan, Yazd, Shiraz and other smaller cities and historical sites. His travels spurred the undertaking of a new series examining Iranian architecture in its cultural and historical context. The resulting photographs reveal a wild mingling of east and west as older buildings jostle with colorful billboards, beltways and apartment blocks that look as if they could be located anywhere in the world. As with Niedermayr’s famous winter landscapes, the majestic, pale color composition of these photographs transports them far beyond mere documentary, towards a sense of tremendous scale and implied political narrative. Like the photographer’s previous monographs (which include Titlis and Civil Operations), Recollection was developed by Niedermayr in close collaboration with its designers and publisher, and will prove to be a highlight of photobook-making.


Book title Recollection
Photographer Walter Niedermayr
ISBN 10 3775727388 / 3-7757-2738-8       
ISBN 13 9783775727389 / 978-3-7757-2738-9
Publisher Hatje Cantz
Publish date Jan 2011
Publish year 2010
Book format Hardcover
Language German, English
Pages 170 pages
Number of photographs 90 illustrations
Dimensions 26,1 x 30,2 cm / 10 x 11.75 inches
Book designer Mevis & Van Deursen

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