Coney Island

Peter Granser
9783775717762 / 3775717765
Coney Island

Coney Island

Peter Granser
9783775717762 / 3775717765
Publisher Hatje Cantz 2006
Edition Hardcover , 100 pages
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Publisher's description

Peter Granser, who lives in Stuttgart, Germany, commutes to the U.S. for work: his two previous books of photographs, Sun City (2003) and Alzheimers (2005) observe aging and illness among preternaturally prosperous and tan American retirees. Coney Island brings his gaze to an outpost of retro beach culture and economic decay that may be better known in Europe than at home. With precise, witty color, he captures the morbid charm of “America’s Playground” on the Brooklyn beachfront, with its dilapidated amusement parks, made famous long ago in the black-and-white work of Diane Arbus, Weegee, and Bruce Gilden. Granser’s more recent tours, for which he has already received the Leica Oskar-Barnack Award, found sweaty beach bums and sailors in drag, shabby snack bars and rusty roller coasters, and recorded them all with a sympathetic eye to the aura of splendor gone seedy. “Recruiting Station” shows the rundown Army recruiter’s shack that stands in front of Nathan’s Hot Dogs, home of the annual hot-dog eating contest. Nearby, he captures hipsters in knee socks and oversized sunglasses, and a view of the beach from an amusement-park ride high above it, with bathers small as dots.


Book title Coney Island
Photographer Peter Granser
ISBN 10 3775717765 / 3-7757-1776-5       
ISBN 13 9783775717762 / 978-3-7757-1776-2
Publisher Hatje Cantz
Publish date Aug 2006
Publish year 2006
Book format Hardcover
Language German, English
Pages 100 pages
Number of photographs 72 illustrations
Dimensions 28,7 x 28,7 cm / 11 x 11 inches

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