26 Different Endings

Mark Power
9781903796214 / 1903796210
26 Different Endings

26 Different Endings

Mark Power
9781903796214 / 1903796210
Publisher Photoworks 2007
Edition Hardcover , 64 pages
Genres Documentary photography
Tags Atlas, London, Ruins
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Publisher's description

British photographer Mark Power returns to the dialogue between real and imaginary space that characterized his successful book to date, The Shipping Forecast (1996). Once again the premise for this work is a map, in this case, the outer limits of the great sprawl of London as defined by the A to Z. Taking each page of the atlas as his guide, Power has embarked on an epic quest into a kind of local unknown, an overbuilt environment where all buildings look like ruins. It is a voyage into a form of melancholy emptiness where the energies of the city evaporate into a strange kind of inertia, conditioned by flat white skies and a generous expanse of pebble-dash. David Chandler’s autobiographical short story, written in response to Power’s pictures, delves deeper into this state of mind, drawing on a vivid picture of both the emotional and physical landscape of his childhood.


Book title 26 Different Endings
Photographer Mark Power
ISBN 10 1903796210 / 1-903796-21-0
ISBN 13 9781903796214 / 978-1-903796-21-4
Publisher Photoworks
Publish year 2007
Genre Documentary photography
Book format Hardcover
Number of copies 1000 copies
Language English
Pages 64 pages
Number of photographs 28 colour plates
Color or b/w photographs col
Dimensions 29,0 x 36,5 cm
Book designer Stuart Smith

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