
Charles Lindsay
9780893818890 / 893818895


Charles Lindsay
9780893818890 / 893818895
Publisher Aperture
Edition Hardcover , 96 Pages
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Publisher's description

Charles Lindsay’s grandfather taught him to fly-fish when he was nine years old. Ever since, in pursuit of trout and solitude, he has immersed himself in the clear, rushing waters of the American West. Fly rod in hand, he participates in the ancient rituals between predator and prey. At times photographing beneath the surface of the water, Lindsay literally enters the world of the trout. In this close observance of the cosmos within the river, he explores the fundamental relationship of all life to water. The photographs in Upstream illuminate a primitive world of elemental beauty and fractured light–abstract and utterly in motion. At the dawn of the twenty-first century, with wilderness under siege and humanity increasingly removed from nature, Lindsay uses his camera to express the enduring vitality of the natural world. Thomas McGuane, avid fly-fisherman, author, and frequent contributor to Sports Illustrated and Riverwatch, brilliantly explores these themes in his accompanying text.


Book title Upstream
Photographer Charles Lindsay
ISBN 10 893818895 / 0-89381-889-5       
ISBN 13 9780893818890 / 978-0-89381-889-0
Publisher Aperture
Publish date Jun 2005
Book format Hardcover
Pages 96 Pages
Dimensions 28 x 28 cm / 11 x 11 inches

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