The Silent Aftermath of Space

Caleb Cain Marcus
9788862081122 / 886208112X
The Silent Aftermath of Space

The Silent Aftermath of Space

Caleb Cain Marcus
9788862081122 / 886208112X
Publisher Damiani 2010
Edition Hardcover , 48 Pages
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Publisher’s Description

Foreword by Robert Frank.
Published by Damiani

For three years, Caleb Cain Marcus has been photographing what Robert Frank calls, in his haiku-esque preface to this volume, “the light of night.” The black-and-white photographs collected in The Silent Aftermath of Space explore the silent and haunting experience of walking alone after dark on the streets of New York City. Caleb Cain Marcus savors the strange solitude that follows the familiar crowded confinement of the city’s daylight life; amid vacated construction sites, empty pews in churches, parking lots and subway tunnels, an eerily placid beauty resounds, consuming spaces that were once filled with bustle and chaos. As each shot marks the passing of another night, the collection accumulates a quiet, consistent resonance. Cain Marcus’ work urges the viewer to slow down, to look at and breathe in the mute magic of night-time New York. The Silent Aftermath of Space is presented in spectacular large format, allowing viewers to submerge themselves in its mood. Exposed from direct light sources, these images are grainy and enigmatic nocturnal gems.

Publisher: Damiani Publishing

Size: 340mmx410mm

48 pages, 20 b/white photographs

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Book title The Silent Aftermath of Space
Photographer Caleb Cain Marcus
ISBN 10 886208112X / 88-6208-112-X       
ISBN 13 9788862081122 / 978-88-6208-112-2
Publisher Damiani
Publish date Mar 2010
Publish year 2010
Book format Hardcover
Pages 48 Pages
Dimensions 41,25 x 33 cm / 16.25 x 13 inches

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