The Memory of Pablo Escobar

James Mollison
9781905712069 / 1905712065
The Memory of Pablo Escobar

The Memory of Pablo Escobar

James Mollison
9781905712069 / 1905712065
Publisher Chris Boot
Edition Hardcover , 360 Pages
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Publisher's description

The extraordinary story of the richest and most violent gangster in history–from his youth, his bid for political power, his domination of the world’s cocaine trade, his campaign against the Colombian state during which thousands died, his imprisonment in a luxurious private jail, his escape, through to his eventual capture and shooting–is told in hundreds of photographs gathered by photographer James Mollison in Colombia. Exhaustively researched, this visual biography includes photographs from Escobar family albums, pictures by Escobar’s bodyguards, pictures from police files (both shot by the police and taken in raids on Escobar’s premises) and snapshots by the Federal Drug Administration officer who helped hunt Escobar down. The book’s illuminating text draws on new interviews with family members, other gangsters, Colombian police and judges and other survivors of Escobar’s killing sprees, supplemented by contemporary photographs by Mollison of Escobar’s fleet of planes, his private zoo, arms caches captured by the police–and even Escobar’s prison jukebox. A compelling picture story and a landmark in visual journalism.


Book title The Memory of Pablo Escobar
Photographer James Mollison
ISBN 10 1905712065 / 1-905712-06-5       
ISBN 13 9781905712069 / 978-1-905712-06-9
Publisher Chris Boot
Publish date Jun 2009
Book format Hardcover
Pages 360 Pages
Dimensions 17,75 x 24,25 cm / 7 x 9.5 inches

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