Summer Days Staten Island

Christine Osinski
9788862084482 / 886208448X
Summer Days Staten Island

Summer Days Staten Island

Christine Osinski
9788862084482 / 886208448X
Publisher Damiani
Edition Hardcover , 96 Pages
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Publisher's description

“Seen now, the photographs show the island’s game face, the one it turned to the outside world. Her subjects, whether children or adults, were home in their island redoubt, braced for whatever might come their way.” – The New York TimesTaken in the “forgotten borough” of Staten Island between 1983 and 1984, the photographs in Christine Osinski’s (born 1948) Summer Days Staten Island create a portrait of working-class culture in an often overlooked section of New York City. Captured on Osinski’s large format 4×5 camera as she wandered the island, her candid portraits of strangers, vernacular architecture and quotidian scenes reveal an invisible landscape within reach of the thriving metropolis of Manhattan. The neighborhoods that Osinski captured are devoid of the skyscrapers, swarms of pedestrians and choking masses of traffic that are a short ferry ride away. Instead, she captures kids riding bikes on open, empty streets, suburban homes with neatly tended yards and the small-town feel of New York’s least populous borough. Accompanying the series of images is an essay by Paul Moakley, Time magazine’s Deputy Director of Photography and Visual Enterprise.


Book title Summer Days Staten Island
Photographer Christine Osinski
ISBN 10 886208448X / 88-6208-448-X       
ISBN 13 9788862084482 / 978-88-6208-448-2
Publisher Damiani
Publish date Feb 2016
Book format Hardcover
Pages 96 Pages
Dimensions 30,5 x 24,25 cm / 12 x 9.5 inches

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