
Christian Lutz
9783037781104 / 3037781106


Christian Lutz
9783037781104 / 3037781106
Publisher Lars Müller Publishers
Edition Hardcover , 90 Pages
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Publisher's description

Over a period of three years the photographer Christian Lutz accompanied a member of the Swiss Federal Council on diverse official occasions throughout the world. In Protokoll he observes the mise-en-scène of authority within the hierarchies to which the political decision makers and their delegations are subjected. He isolates the clichés that rule the world and records the unsaid and unobserved with his camera. His images show a reality that differs from the official photographic reports. The power that is presented in these strictly codified rituals gives way only briefly in fleeting gestures. Christian Lutz delimits a context in which the activities of the ministers, their deputies, and the personnel that orbits the political cosmos unfold. The photographs present a concentrated critique that calls into question a deeply ingrained system of representation and causes readers to alternate between laughter and astonishment.


Book title Protokoll
Photographer Christian Lutz
ISBN 10 3037781106 / 3-03778-110-6       
ISBN 13 9783037781104 / 978-3-03778-110-4
Publisher Lars Müller Publishers
Publish date Sep 2007
Book format Hardcover
Pages 90 Pages
Dimensions 24,25 x 29,75 cm / 9.5 x 11.75 inches

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