Prison Landscapes

Alyse Emdur
9780956192868 / 956192866
Prison Landscapes

Prison Landscapes

Alyse Emdur
9780956192868 / 956192866
Publisher Four Corners Books
Edition Paperback , 192 Pages
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Publisher's description

In Prison Landscapes artist Alyse Emdur (born 1983) presents over 100 photographs of prison inmates presenting themselves in front of the idealized landscapes of painted visiting-room backdrops, posing with their visitors and pretending, for a moment, that they are elsewhere. Prison Landscapes explores this little-known genre of painting and portraiture seen only by inmates, visitors and prison employees. Created specifically for escape and self-representation, the paintings of tropical beaches, waterfalls, mountain vistas and cityscapes invite sitters to engage in fantasies of freedom. Prison Landscapes offers viewers a rare opportunity to see America’s incarcerated population, not through the usual lens of criminality, but through the eyes of inmates’ loved ones. The book includes correspondence with prisoners and an interview with prison artist Darrell Van Mastrigt.


Book title Prison Landscapes
Photographer Alyse Emdur
ISBN 10 956192866 / 0-9561928-6-6       
ISBN 13 9780956192868 / 978-0-9561928-6-8
Publisher Four Corners Books
Publish date Dec 2012
Book format Paperback
Pages 192 Pages
Dimensions 16,5 x 23,5 cm / 6.5 x 9.25 inches

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