Mount Zion

John Yang
9781891024238 / 189102423X
Mount Zion

Mount Zion

John Yang
9781891024238 / 189102423X
Publisher Distributed Art Publishers 2001
Edition Hardcover , 112 Pages
Genres Documentary photography
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Publisher's description

Mount Zion refers to an Orthodox Jewish cemetery in Queens, New York, built in 1893, sandwiched between a New York City Sanitation plant and the Long Island Expressway. ”Sepulchral portraits” refer to miniature photographs once placed on many of Mount Zion’s tombstones, a custom brought over by Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe. These images–often heavily retouched–were burned onto porcelain or metal tablets, and then glazed. The process was, at the time, advertised as permanent; but the ravages of the elements, pollution, and vandals have transformed these portraits into something else altogether. What remains of them–and what has become of them–is what John Yang has set out to portray in his own series of photographs, taken between 1994 and 1998. The result is a fiercely moving document, a meditation on morality, memory, the urban landscape, and the photographic process. Much like his subject matter, Yang’s photographs are themselves memorials–to Mount Zion, to its urban environment, to its occupants, to the gesture of its sepulchral portraits, and to photography itself.


Book title Mount Zion
Photographer John Yang
ISBN 10 189102423X / 1-891024-23-X       
ISBN 13 9781891024238 / 978-1-891024-23-8
Publisher Distributed Art Publishers
Publish date Mar 2001
Publish year 2001
Genre Documentary photography
Book format Hardcover
Pages 112 Pages
Dimensions 17,75 x 25,5 cm / 7 x 10 inches

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