Moon Viewing

Barbara Yoshida
9780988227576 / 988227576
Moon Viewing

Moon Viewing

Barbara Yoshida
9780988227576 / 988227576
Publisher Marquand Books
Edition Hardcover , 80 Pages
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Publisher's description

Megalithic monuments can be found across many countries, and their configuration varies widely. Moon Viewing: Megaliths by Moonlight surveys the geographical distribution of these stones, from Sweden in the north to West Africa in the south and Armenia in the east. The book is based on Barbara Yoshida’s ten years of travel and research and uses night photography to emphasize the relationship of megalithic stones to stars and planets. Research has shown that some of the stones were purposely aligned with the appearance of stars or planets at certain times of the year. In Yoshida’s night photographs, stars and planets are evidenced as “star trails”–white streaks in the sky that show how much the earth moved during shooting. Augmenting the photographs are an essay by renowned art critic Lucy Lippard and a foreword by acclaimed photographer Linda Connor.


Book title Moon Viewing
Photographer Barbara Yoshida
ISBN 10 988227576 / 0-9882275-7-6       
ISBN 13 9780988227576 / 978-0-9882275-7-6
Publisher Marquand Books
Publish date Sep 2014
Book format Hardcover
Pages 80 Pages
Dimensions 22,75 x 29,25 cm / 9 x 11.5 inches

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