
Karl Blossfeldt
9781942884132 / 1942884133


Karl Blossfeldt
9781942884132 / 1942884133
Publisher D.A.P. 2017
Edition Hardcover , 160 Pages
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Publisher's description

Through Blossfeldt’s lens, plants and flowers become gorgeous formal gesturesKarl Blossfeldt was a pioneer of botanical photography, though his interest in the plant world was initially educational. Fascinated by the structure of plants, whose seemingly artistic forms resulted from biological necessity, he realized that photography could be a useful teaching tool, allowing his students to see and compare natural forms. Working with a homemade camera, Blossfeldt gathered and photographed his own plant samples, magnifying them by up to 45 times. From around 1898 onward, he shot some 6,000 images, which he used primarily as visual aids in his classes.Eventually published as Art Forms in Nature (1928) and Art Forms in Nature, Second Series (1932), Blossfeldt’s photographs had a lasting impact on the art of his day and were enthusiastically embraced by both the Surrealist and New Objectivity movements. His books brought him overnight fame and are still considered landmarks in the history of art and photography. Karl Blossfeldt: Masterworks presents a remarkable collection of Blossfeldt’s strikingly austere yet poetic portraits of plants, which capture their timeless beauty in intimate detail.Karl Blossfeldt (1865–1932) was a photographer, sculptor, teacher and artist who worked in Berlin. Blossfeldt had no formal photographic training, but was singled out by Walter Benjamin in his “Little History of Photography” for the way his plant photography could reveal something present in the natural world not normally visible to the naked eye, helping to usher in a new, distinctively photographic way of seeing.


Book title Masterworks
Photographer Karl Blossfeldt
ISBN 10 1942884133 / 1-942884-13-3       
ISBN 13 9781942884132 / 978-1-942884-13-2
Publisher D.A.P.
Publish date Mar 2017
Publish year 2017
Book format Hardcover
Language English
Pages 160 Pages
Dimensions 24 x 37 cm / 9.5 x 14.5 inches
Weight 1,7 kg

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