
Pancho Saula
9780998701844 / 099870184X


Pancho Saula
9780998701844 / 099870184X
Publisher MW Editions
Edition Hardcover , 60 Pages
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Publisher's description

Madagascar presents 30 black-and-white photographs by Spanish photographer Pancho Saula that capture the light and contours of this unique island. Madagascar is one of the most remote and beautiful countries in the world, and one of the very few places that has not yet been transformed by the deracinations of globalization: some areas are still untouched by tourism, and some ethnic groups, such as the Vezo, live in isolation in primitive conditions. Time stops in Madagascar, and nature is rich and intact: the vast majority of the island’s abundant flora and fauna exist nowhere else on earth. Ancient baobab trees tower above; enormous sand dunes envelop seaside fishing towns. Superbly printed in this handsomely designed volume, Saula’s photographs of the island range from the near-abstract to clear-eyed but sensitive portraiture.


Book title Madagascar
Photographer Pancho Saula
ISBN 10 099870184X / 0-9987018-4-X       
ISBN 13 9780998701844 / 978-0-9987018-4-4
Publisher MW Editions
Publish date Sep 2018
Book format Hardcover
Pages 60 Pages
Dimensions 28,5 x 28,5 cm / 11.25 x 11.25 inches

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