
James Welling
9780976913689 / 976913682


James Welling
9780976913689 / 976913682
Publisher David Zwirner Books
Edition Hardcover , 64 Pages
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Publisher's description

This concise and beautiful exhibition catalogue features arresting, colorful, Rorschach Test-like photograms of flowers by the esteemed Los Angeles-based conceptual photographer, James Welling. For this series, Welling placed the blossoms of a common southern California plant on sheets of 8×10 film and exposed them to light. The negatives were then projected onto special photo paper through a color mural enlarger and color filters, to produce the dramatic, spectral, almost sun- or moon-dappled images reproduced here. Currently a professor of fine art at UCLA, Welling studied at CalArts in the early 1970s. Welling was the subject of a midcareer retrospective at the Wexner Center for the Arts in 2000, which traveled to the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles. He is represented in New York by David Zwirner Gallery and in Los Angeles by Regen Projects.


Book title Flowers
Photographer James Welling
ISBN 10 976913682 / 0-9769136-8-2       
ISBN 13 9780976913689 / 978-0-9769136-8-9
Publisher David Zwirner Books
Publish date Jun 2007
Book format Hardcover
Pages 64 Pages
Dimensions 21,5 x 28 cm / 8.5 x 11 inches

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