Excerpts from Silver Meadows

Todd Hido
9781590053683 / 1590053680
Excerpts from Silver Meadows

Excerpts from Silver Meadows

Todd Hido
9781590053683 / 1590053680
Publisher Nazraeli Press
Edition Hardcover
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Publisher's description

Nazraeli Press is pleased to announce Excerpts from Silver Meadows, our sixth monograph by Todd Hido and his most ambitious project to date. Hido is one of the most widely recognized and influential photographic artists of our time. Silver Meadows is the name of a street that runs through the neighborhood in Kent, Ohio where the artist grew up. The setting of Hido’s childhood, it also became the creative wellspring for his work. Here, it serves as a point of departure for Hido’s reexamination of a Midwestern suburban upbringing; ‘a trip through the innocence of childhood and adolescence and into the darker aspects of life beyond.’ Beautifully printed on matt Japanese art paper, and featuring an ‘installation’ of tipped-in images on the case binding, Excerpts from Silver Meadows is printed in a first edition of 3,000 copies.


Book title Excerpts from Silver Meadows
Photographer Todd Hido
ISBN 10 1590053680 / 1-59005-368-0       
ISBN 13 9781590053683 / 978-1-59005-368-3
Publisher Nazraeli Press
Book format Hardcover

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