Disco Night Sept 11

Peter van Agtmael
9780984195428 / 0984195424
Disco Night Sept 11

Disco Night Sept 11

Peter van Agtmael
9780984195428 / 0984195424
Publisher Red Hook Editions 2014
Edition Hardcover , 276 pages
Genres War photography
Tags Afghanistan, Human conflict, Iraq, War
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Publisher's description

Disco Night Sept. 11 is a chronicle of America’s wars from 2006-2013. The photographs shift back and forth from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to the USA, unsparingly capturing the violent, ceaseless cost, but also the mystery and the madness, the beauty and absurdity at the core of each conflict. The narrative is complemented by nineteen gatefolds which elaborate on places and individuals.

Photographs are fragments, sometimes only loosely tied to important experiences. An extensive text records some of the missing pieces. The stories that precede and follow the moment of the photograph, conversations with soldiers, anonymous graffiti that’s part confession, part boast.

Disco Night Sept. 11 is an expansive yet intimate account of this defining era of history. The book was shortlisted for the 2014 Aperture/Paris Photo Book Award and named a ‘Book of the Year’ by The New York Times Magazine, Time, Mother Jones, and Vogue.


Book title Disco Night Sept 11
Photographer Peter van Agtmael
ISBN 10 0984195424 / 0-9841954-2-4
ISBN 13 9780984195428 / 978-0-9841954-2-8
Publisher Red Hook Editions
Publish year 2014
Genre War photography
Book format Hardcover
Language English
Pages 276 pages
Dimensions 22 x 27 cm
Weight 1,4 kg

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