Dirty Windows

Merry Alpern
Dirty Windows

Publisher's description

This is a book of photographs depicting the way of life photographer Merry Alpern discovered and then documented in the winter of 1993-4. From an open window of an apartment in Wall Street, the two tiny windows of an after-hours sex club opposite could be seen. A different sort of financial exchange was witnessed, between men in expensive suits and women in black lace for a variety of sex acts and drugs. Rather than being explicit, the photographs are heavily chopped by the window frames. All that has been captured are dislocated shots of a handbag being opened, dollars being stashed, a breast, a condomed penis, a wedding-ring-images that only suggest the existence of this sleazy world, rather than graphically recording it. The result is intellectually provocative, moving, revolting, funny and sad. The book includes an essay by Richard B. Woodward.


Book title Dirty Windows
Photographer Merry Alpern
ISBN 13 9781881616580 /
Publisher Scalo
Publish year 1995
Genre Erotic & Nude photography Cult photography Documentary photography Street photography
Book format Hardcover
Pages 112 pages
Dimensions 29,5 x 23,5 cm

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