Brooklyn Buzz

Alessandro Cosmelli & Gaia Light
9788862082419 / 886208241X
Brooklyn Buzz

Brooklyn Buzz

Alessandro Cosmelli & Gaia Light
9788862082419 / 886208241X
Publisher Damiani
Edition Paperback , 192 Pages
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Publisher's description

Italian-born photographers Alessandro Cosmelli and Gaia Light’s Brooklyn Buzz uses the framing device of a bus window frame, and the attendant serendipities of photographing on a moving vehicle, to present an extended photographic portrait of Brooklyn and its inhabitants. Cosmelli and Light have been photographing Brooklyn, their adopted home since 2007, capturing the borough at its most social and vibrant. “The windows work as filters with the outside,” they write of this project, “sometimes like enlarging lenses, amplifying, revealing unpredictable details, capturing life as it is in that precise moment, in the streets, at the bus stop, through the windows of a local deli; other times they work more like protective barriers that allow you to deeply penetrate people’s lives.” Analogous to Frank’s The Americans as a European eye on America, Brooklyn Buzz is full of effervescent charm and warmth.


Book title Brooklyn Buzz
Photographer Alessandro Cosmelli & Gaia Light
ISBN 10 886208241X / 88-6208-241-X       
ISBN 13 9788862082419 / 978-88-6208-241-9
Publisher Damiani
Publish date Sep 2012
Book format Paperback
Pages 192 Pages
Dimensions 17,25 x 22,75 cm / 6.75 x 9 inches

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