Black Passport

Stanley Greene
9781597111416 / 1597111414       
Black Passport

Black Passport

Stanley Greene
9781597111416 / 1597111414       
Publisher Aperture 2010
Edition Paperback , 288 pages
Genres War photography , Documentary photography
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Publisher's description

The archetype of the war correspondent is freighted with an outsize heroic mythos to which world-renowned conflict photographer Stanley Greene is no stranger. Black Passport is his autobiographical monograph-cum-scrapbook, and it transports the viewer behind the news as Greene reflects upon his career, oscillating between the relative safety of life in the West and the traumas of wars abroad. This glimpse of the polarities that have comprised Greene’s life raises essential questions about the role of the photojournalist, as well as concerns about its repercussions: what motivates someone to willingly confront death and misery? To do work that risks one’s life? Is it political engagement, or a sense of commitment to telling difficult stories? Or does being a war photographer simply satisfy a yearning for adventure? Black Passport offers an experience that is both exceptionally personal and ostensibly objective. Built around Greene’s narrating monologue, the book’s 26 short, nonsequential “scenes” are each illustrated by a portfolio of his work.


Book title Black Passport
Photographer Stanley Greene
ISBN 10 1597111414        / 1-59711-141-4       
ISBN 13 9781597111416 / 978-1-59711-141-6
Publisher Aperture
Publish date Mar 2010
Publish year 2010
Genre War photography Documentary photography
Book format Paperback
Pages 288 pages
Dimensions 17,25 x 22,25 cm / 8.5 x 6.6 x 1.2 inches

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