Alfred Stieglitz At Lake George

Alfred Stieglitz
9780870701382 / 087070138X
Alfred Stieglitz At Lake George

Alfred Stieglitz At Lake George

Alfred Stieglitz
9780870701382 / 087070138X
Publisher The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York
Edition Hardcover , 112 Pages
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Publisher's description

For more than a decade before World War I, Alfred Stieglitz lent much of his formidable energy to his public career as an editor, publisher, proselytizer, and art dealer. In the 1920s and 30s, he turned again to his own photography, exploring his personal world at Lake George, in the Adirondack mountains of New York, where he spent summers at a family farmhouse. He photographed the things around him–the landscape, the clouds overhead, the intimate life he led with family and friends, including Georgia O’Keefe, Waldo Frank, and Paul Rosenfeld. This body of work, radical and private, is the essential aspect of Stieglitz’s achievement as a photographer, and has nowhere else been published as a coherent whole.


Book title Alfred Stieglitz At Lake George
Photographer Alfred Stieglitz
ISBN 10 087070138X / 0-87070-138-X       
ISBN 13 9780870701382 / 978-0-87070-138-2
Publisher The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York
Publish date Jul 2002
Book format Hardcover
Pages 112 Pages
Dimensions 22,75 x 25,5 cm / 9 x 10 inches

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