Damian Heinisch
9781912339754 / 1912339757


Damian Heinisch
9781912339754 / 1912339757
Publisher MACK Books 2020
Edition Paperback , 190 pages
Genres Documentary photography , Street photography , Conceptual photography
Tags Europe, Immigration, Journey, Male Photographer, Memory, Migration, Oslo, Train, Train Journey, Travel, Ukraine, War
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Publisher's description

Winner of the 2020 MACK First Book Award

“The book is a chronological, visual document pictured from the train window, starting in Debaltsevo, through Gliwice, Essen in Germany and eventually Norway’s capital, Oslo. […] To reflect this, images are interrupted and spliced across sections of the Japanese-bound book, imploring the viewer to notice the interruption, but search for continuity.”
– British Journal of Photography

45 describes a sequence of image fragments that emphasize and contrast human presence in their physical surroundings. Upon closer examination, the viewer becomes aware that all images are taken through a train window. The photographer’s journey, which takes him from Ukraine to Oslo through present-day Europe, is inspired by train journeys taken by relatives in 1945 and 1978, leading them to death or freedom. At this point in all three journeys, each family member turned 45. The book’s narrative challenges the issue of forced immigration within the boundaries of Europe’s past and present. Eight months after the author’s return in 2013, a new conflict erupted in the Donetsk region, leading to an ongoing war.


Book title 45
Photographer Damian Heinisch
ISBN 10 1912339757 /
ISBN 13 9781912339754 / 978-1-912339-75-4
Publisher MACK Books
Publish date Jul 2020
Publish year 2020
Genre Documentary photography Street photography Conceptual photography
Book format Paperback
Book format details with flap and Japanese fold. Includes a large format fold-out poster.
Printing technique Printed UV on uncoated stock
Language English, German
Pages 190 pages
Color or b/w photographs Color
Dimensions 22.5 x 28 cm
Weight 850 g
Other information Signed edition: artist signature is on the accompanying fold-out poster

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