1000 Cars of NYC

Lionel Koretzky
9788862085465 / 886208546X
1000 Cars of NYC

1000 Cars of NYC

Lionel Koretzky
9788862085465 / 886208546X
Publisher Damiani
Edition Hardcover , 288 Pages
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Publisher's description

For three years, from 2013 to 2016, Brooklyn-based photographer Lionel Koretzky fed his Instagram account @1000_cars_of_nyc with photographs of New York cars that he took on a daily basis, using his iPhone, systematically cropping them at the wheels into square images.The repetition of the graphic formula proliferated over time, designs and seasons produced a body of work he had initially approached as a side project. 1000 Cars of NYC is Koretzky’s first book, a homage to his beloved adoption town and country through his passion for cars.


Book title 1000 Cars of NYC
Photographer Lionel Koretzky
ISBN 10 886208546X / 88-6208-546-X       
ISBN 13 9788862085465 / 978-88-6208-546-5
Publisher Damiani
Publish date Nov 2017
Book format Hardcover
Pages 288 Pages
Dimensions 16 x 16 cm / 6.25 x 6.25 inches

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